7 tips to strengthen your email marketing strategy

email marketing
email marketing

Email marketing continues to be one of the most reliable strategies to promote content, products, and services. In this article, we share some ideas to renew the look and use of email in your business.

The renaissance of email marketing

The acceleration in terms of digital transformation caused by the covid pandemic has meant that many traditional brands have had to reinvent their online sales and that many B2B businesses have had to learn to function 100% online.

Companies in general have had to rethink their communication and customer retention strategies, making email marketing and communication campaigns in many cases more effective when it comes to strengthening brands, customer loyalty, attracting prospects, and reaching the audience. to action.

The latest report from the Hubspot Company has shown that, in the last year, the number of email marketing communications increased by 44%.

Consequently, far from being obsolete, email marketing is renewing its popularity due to its ease, scalability, and effectiveness.

For its part, a report by the company Litmus has revealed that four out of five marketers would prefer to give up social networks rather than email marketing, as this is one of the most personal points of contact when establishing relationships with customers.

Email marketing windows

The following notes clarify for us how favorable and current email marketing continues to be:

No platform or social network comes close to the potential reach of email.

According to Statista research, more than four billion people currently use email (the projection for 2025 is 4.6 billion). These data, compared with the 2.2 billion monthly active users of Meta (formerly Facebook) and the more than 1 billion users of Instagram, make it clear that email is, ultimately, the channel with the most users.

People keep checking their email every day.

The right message, sent to the right person, at the right time, leads to higher conversion rates than other digital marketing strategies. An email that informs, connects, or encourages a clear call to action has the virtue of accelerating the customer journey toward conversion.

Positive impact on ROI.

Emails have had a direct and positive impact on return on investment (ROI). Email marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing strategy: $44 for every dollar spent; an extensive range at an affordable cost.

Tips to update and strengthen your email marketing strategy

Think about what you want to achieve by running an effective email marketing campaign.

What do you want your subscribers to do? Subscribe to a newsletter, get the user to make a purchase decision, and convert them into regular customers.

Understand and differentiate the different types of email.

This is essential to be able to segment and group your audience in different ways. The three primary forms of email that you can start implementing are:

Promotional newsletters. They contain specific offers, launches of products, and services or collaborations.

Relational emails. These are the newsletters that send subscribers what you promised, such as a weekly update, an ebook, an article, a thank you a message or useful information.

Transactional emails. They are typically triggered by subscribers’ actions and relate to an action they’ve taken on your site, including signing up, a welcome message, order confirmation, shipping or purchase, etc.

Use technology wisely.

Email marketing companies include tools to help you create more effective email marketing campaigns. Look for features such as Simple campaign production and automation, including templates and workflows.

Segment your audience.

Whether it’s to send personalized emails, create buyer persona models or understand the behaviors of your most loyal customers, your team or strategy must be able to do an in-depth analysis of the performance of email campaigns and monitor interactive content. of your website to understand how your audience is engaged. 


Personalization is essential to building customer relationships through email marketing. This is to customize the greeting or subject of the email. While personalized email subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened, building and nurturing a relationship with your subscribers is a matter of getting to know them and sending them only the most relevant information possible. A great way to do this is by offering an email preference center to your subscribers. This allows your customers the opportunity to tell you more about themselves, who they are, and what they expect from you.

Create a customer loyalty strategy.

Building customer relationships through email often requires a little more precision. One way to start building trust among your email subscribers is to offer them special incentives. For example, a 20% discount code on your first order. Or a free product after you have accumulated points on your purchases. Customer loyalty programs are great for building customer relationships through email. They encourage subscribers to continue interacting with your brand.

Promotes two-way communication.

Lastly, if you are in the process of strengthening your email marketing strategy, avoid sending messages from a “do not reply” email address. A no-reply email is defined as an email account that uses a “no-reply/no-reply” address. This usually leads you to a spam folder or junk inbox. While there is a time and place for this type of email, it is considered a practice that should be avoided. More when you are revitalizing or building a different relationship with your customers. Your subscribers expect to be able to reach your brand easily. When creating and nurturing customer relationships through email, you should encourage two-way communication between your brand and your customers or subscribers. Therefore, it allows human contact.

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