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Write Technology Guest Posts

Before submitting your technology guest post, please take a moment to review our FREE guest post guidelines carefully. It’s crucial to adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and respectful collaboration.

Guest Post Guideline

  • Ensure your topic aligns with Gadget-Rumours topics coverage:
  • Originality is key: No plagiarism or recycled content.
  • Word count: Minimum 800+ words.
  • Visuals: Include one (1) high-quality featured image (1200×630 pixels minimum).
  • Review process: All posts are reviewed before publication.
  • Free Guest Post tagging: Published as “Guest Post” with one (1) NoFollow link allowed.
  • Link additions: We reserve the right to add internal or external links.
  • No marketing: Don’t submit posts promoting services or products.
  • Content restrictions:
    • Avoid offensive, discriminatory, or privacy-violating content.
    • No hate speech, racism, sexism, or similar negativity.
    • Pornographic material is strictly prohibited.

Submit your Technology Guest Post

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