
  • Navigating Location Tracking in Various Apps: Balancing Convenience and Privacy

    Navigating Location Tracking in Various Apps: Balancing Convenience and Privacy


    Using different apps has become an integral part of the digital landscape. We use various apps in our systems and mobile phones regularly. There are multiple apps like streaming, telemedicine, music, and GPS navigation services that make it convenient and relaxing. However, almost every app collects and tracks our details for various reasons, and we…

  • Internet censorship and bypassing geo-restrictions

    Internet censorship and bypassing geo-restrictions


    Internet censorship refers to the control or suppression of information, content, or access to websites and other online resources by governments, organizations, or individuals. This is often done to restrict freedom of speech, protect national security, or maintain social and cultural norms.

  • 5 ways to unblock a torrent when it doesn’t work

    5 ways to unblock a torrent when it doesn’t work


    There is a worldwide conflict against torrenting right now. Content creators and copyright holders are doing everything possible to cut off torrent hosting websites’ entries. Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are under pressure to shut down all torrenting activity. In a world where it is no longer necessary to be a pirate, the removal of…

  • Can You Mine With VPN

    Can You Mine With VPN


    If you’re looking to get into the cryptocurrency mining game, you might be wondering if you can do so using a VPN. The short answer is: yes, you can mine with a VPN. However, there are some things to keep in mind before you start using your VPN for mining. In this article, we’ll go…

  • Stay secure and private while using public WiFi with a VPN

    Stay secure and private while using public WiFi with a VPN


    Those who are often on the road know the problem: you can get free WiFi in many places, but what about security? Basically, it is strongly recommended to be careful when using unknown WiFi or networks. You never know how secure the WIFI is or what information the provider logs. Many WiFi is unencrypted, so…

  • How to get your smartphone’s IP address hidden?

    How to get your smartphone’s IP address hidden?


    You might have heard that people can track your activities and whereabouts when browsing the internet using your computer, but did you realise that the same applies if you are using a smartphone? Just as you can hide the IP address of your computer, the same applies to your smartphone. Want to find out how…

  • Major Problems Faced By Gamers

    Major Problems Faced By Gamers


    Nowadays gaming has become popular and it has also become the source of earning money. In many countries, people are organize gaming competitions and set a certain amount for the winners. Most of the people also make gaming their professions and spend more time in front of their PCs or consoles. There is a bundle…

  • Best Internet Safety Tips for Every Internet User

    Best Internet Safety Tips for Every Internet User


    There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that the internet is the best thing that has ever happened to us. Today we have all the information we want at our fingertips, and for this, all the credit goes to the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing and the overall web, of…

  • 8 Benefits Of Using a Gaming VPN

    8 Benefits Of Using a Gaming VPN


    The full form of a VPN is Virtual Private Network. It can be seen as a tunnel that enables your information to move online in a secure way. This happens as a VPN provides you with a safe path for accessing a private network or the public internet. What a VPN does is encrypt your…

  • Security Strategies You Need to Know When Employees Work Remotely

    Security Strategies You Need to Know When Employees Work Remotely

    The internet has totally revolutionized the world and transformed it into a global village where it’s now very easy to communicate and work with people from any corner of the world. Companies are now taking advantage of this wave to source the best talents from all spheres of the globe and now even more workers…

  • Russia’s Sovereign Internet Puts Internet Freedom At Great Risk

    Russia’s Sovereign Internet Puts Internet Freedom At Great Risk


    As of May 1st, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law to create Russia’s Sovereign internet, separating it from the rest of the world. Russia has been quite regressive regarding its internet censorship policies, with the new law in place it’s one step closer to creating its national network isolated from the rest…

  • Ivacy VPN Review

    Ivacy VPN Review


    What often worries people most about VPNs is the danger that they might be insecure. However, Ivacy VPN first and foremost rests on the principle that all of its users are entitled to absolute privacy. It prides itself on ensuring the security of its customers. Because of this, Ivacy VPN ensures a watertight system by…

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