programming language

  • Python vs Java: A comparison of the Python and Java programming languages

    Python vs Java: A comparison of the Python and Java programming languages


    Python and Java, both popular programming languages, have distinct differences. Python is the fourth most used language known for its simplicity, making it ideal for beginners, rapid experiments, and automating processes. Java, the second most used, is often utilized for developing finished products. The main difference lies in Java’s use of static types while Python…

  • What is MERN Stack?

    What is MERN Stack?


    Most web and app development companies have been utilizing various technologies to build an optimized and efficient stack for app development. A stack is a combination of multiple technologies and programming languages or a combination of different software tools. The main motto to choose these sets of tools, technologies, and frameworks is to develop a…

  • Popular Paradigms of Programming Easily Explained

    Popular Paradigms of Programming Easily Explained


    A programming paradigm is a set of principles, methods, and concepts that define the way of designing programs. Different popular programming languages belong to different paradigms, each of which provides the coder with certain advantages and disadvantages. There are also multi paradigm languages that can be used to write programs in this or that style.

  • Is a Coding Bootcamp Right For You?

    Is a Coding Bootcamp Right For You?


    Training for a career in tech is exciting, but there’s a lot to do. From learning the basics of coding to finding a job, it can be challenging to make the right decisions. That’s why it’s especially important to choose the best coding bootcamp so you can focus on your education above all else. But…

  • Top 5 Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Learn in 2018

    Top 5 Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Learn in 2018


    JavaScript is a programming language that is used for developing web pages using HTML and CSS. It is an object-oriented, fast and light-weight programming language. With the right JavaScript training an individual can make the best use of the required JavaScript and can get the required perfection on the web and mobile apps. The available…

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