Dell XPS 13 vs. MacBook Pro- Which one is better?

Dell XPS 13 vs. MacBook Pro

Dell XPS 13 has been considered as one of the most famous laptops for years, but it has some good competition with Apple, specifically the 13-inch MacBook Pro, which has just arrived in May 2020. The MacBook Pro offers the best quality generation intel core CPUs and the best-designed keyboard.


The comparison of Apple’s latest MacBook has been done with many other good quality laptops. But since this laptop, Dell XPS 13 is considered one of the best options in the market of laptops, so it is up for a head to head comparison between XPS 13 and MacBook Pro. In this article, we have discussed the main features of both devices. We hope that this review will help you in making your choice of which device is better Dell XPS 13 vs Macbook Pro .

Macbook Pro

Operating System

The feature which will make a difference between these two devices is the Operating System. Your choice should not completely depend upon this particular feature, because most of the users know how to operate both the operating system. The main thing is that which has been better for many years. Every OS has its own advantages. Most of the programs run only on one platform or can be run better on the other platforms. Those specials programs are only for creative professionals.

Both the OS ca handle general tasks very well, like internet surfing, work, and communication. So, in order to make a decision, you should look for all other features, including the operating system


Both the brands had made differences in their keyboard design. For the case of MacBook, they have done the changes in those uncomfortable and unreliable keys. This thing has just got a better response from the customers regarding the nice placements and comfortable click. It has been proved much better than the older keyboard.

On the other hand, Dell has increased the size of its keyboard by 9% by giving the customers the benefit of a bigger keyboard. All theses keys are comfortable but had too much bounce on clicking. The typing score of MacBook Pro is 76 words per minute, while the XPS 13 is 71 words per minute.


Both the brand had made their top-notch products to offer plenty of portability. Dell XPS 13 is thinner and lighter as compared to MacBook Pro, which makes it super comfortable and lightweight to keep it in your bag or may be held in hand.


When it comes to performance, these two models are very similar. MacBook Pro uses the 8th generation Intel core processor, which is very new. But the Dell XPS 13 uses the 10th generation chip, which has also been launched at the same time as the 8th generation intel core processor.

While most of the reviewers claim that, MacBook processor is slightly better than Dell XPS 13. You will not be facing any issues if you choose MacBook Pro. You can enjoy the latest speed and better performance by purchasing a MacBook Pro with a 10th generation chip processor, which will be a little expensive.

Build Quality and Size

The size of the laptop also matters. The Dell XPS 13 is of small size than MacBook Pro, which means that Dell XPS 13 will cover less space on the desk. The greater the size of MacBook Pro it means the wider keyboard and touchpad will be far longer, which will make it easier for swiping. If in building quality-wise, a laptop made up of a single piece of aluminum is classy, but it will make it much heavier. It doesn’t mean that Dell XPS 13 is made up of low-quality material, but the carbon fiber topped on it and the aluminum lid is also the factors to be considered.

Screen Quality

Major differences are available on the screen side. The dell XPS 13 has a full HD display, but on the other hand, MacBook Pro has a high-resolution Retina, which is much better than Dell XPS 13. Regarding the color performance, MacBook is also better, but Dell has a plus point of 3840×2400 pixel 4k screen option, which results in increasing the screen brightness and color grading.


Both the laptops are best in their own way. Most of the people will prefer MacBook PRO while others will purchase Dell XPS 13. It completely depends upon the usage and requirements. But, for a layman who does not know laptops, this article would provide much help in making a decision. In my opinion, Dell XPS 13 is a better choice than MacBook Pro because of its features and specifications.

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