5 Most Popular Full-stack Node.Js Frameworks For Apps Development

Most Popular Full-stack Node.Js Frameworks

Agile mobile technologies have provided a much-needed impetus to applications that are low on memory usage and high on real-time responses. Node.js is one of the most prolific agile technology used as an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux.

Most Popular Full-stack Node.Js Frameworks

NestJs is a framework built with Node.js, It is used for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. While full-stack node.js framework is a framework that provides front-end, back-end, and data storage support. There are many such frameworks and as we are exploring some of them on the basis of popularity.

1. Meteor.js:

Meteor is a popular full-stack framework on Node.js environment with 41,357 stars on GitHub. Meteor includes a key set of technologies for building connected-client reactive applications, a build tool, and a curated set of packages from the Node.js and general JavaScript community. It allows developers to develop in a single language for all devices and web portals. Meteor sends data to clients and clients render it. It allows us to develop UI based on a Node.js environment with seamless operational capability and minimal development effort.

Meteor is more of an MVC framework with the ability to accelerate development with IOS, Android, and web applications. It provides a swappable front-end where you can replace React/Angular instead of Blaze. It provides a pre-assembled compatible part with fast development cycles. However, it is only compatible with the MongoDB database and not useful for larger applications.

2. Ghost.js:

Typical integration test frameworks are a nightmare of callbacks and arbitrary chaining syntax. Ghost.js uses async functions in order to create a syntax that’s extremely easy to reason about and work with. Ghost.js has 31,084 stars to itself on GitHub It works really well with chrome, firefox, and phantom.js. Ghost is a fully open-source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication.

Ghost is written only in JavaScript (Node.js) and it uses Handlebars as a templating language. It uses SQL databases now though at an earlier stage it was designed with backbone and other libraries. Ghost offers Markdown editor for writing your posts. There are also post image covers, tags, and meta tags options.

3. Strapi:

Stapi with 17,944 stars at Github is an open-source Node.js framework providing headless content management services. It is very popular among front-end CMS(content management services) developers. It provides easy to use administration panel to publish content seamlessly saving a lot of API development time.

It has an extensive plugin system that provides a large set of built-in features like Admin Panel, Authentication & Permissions management, Content Management, API Generator, etc. With Strapi, you can host your data on your own server to own it.

4. Keystone.js:

Keystone is a framework for creating web pages, applications, and API-based databases (MongoDB) in NodeJS. It was built with the use of Express.js and uses Mongoose to facilitate working with the database. It has 14,842 stars on Github and is one of the most popular node.js frameworks and many content-based firms hire node.js developers to exploit its potential as a framework. When you build something with KeystoneJS, the data models that you define are also used to automatically create an admin dashboard to manage your data.

It makes applications and websites more lightweight and customizable. You can easily integrate any package from one of the largest library ecosystems called JavaScript. KeystoneJS provides templates ready to use or to customize your blog content without the worry of system logic. If you have specific requirements you can start from scratch by making use of the tools provided by it, KeystoneJS offers integration with some useful third-party services like Amazon S3, Cloudinary, Mandrill out of the box.

KeystoneJS provides extensive support for building websites with dynamic data. It is also used widely to develop websites with high performance based on Node.Js

5. Mean.IO:

Mean.IO stands at 11,809 stars at Github. The acronym MEAN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js, which are open-source JavaScript-based technologies. A full-stack JavaScript framework that is used to develop web apps quickly and easily can be enabled by using all these powerhouse technologies together.

It provides the ability for developers to use a single Java language for coding purposes. Transferring the code to another framework that is written in one particular framework is made easier with the help of the MEAN stack. MEAN allows you to test an application on the cloud platform easily after the successful completion of a development process. It also allows you to add extra information simply by adding the field to your form. MongoDB, specifically designed for the cloud, provides full cluster support and automatic replication. As it is open-sourced, it helps the development process through the use of public libraries and repositories.

Due to the use of angular.js and Node.js in the framework, the development of websites and applications become cost-effective, agile and lightweight.

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Wrapping it up:

node.js frameworks have become very popular among developers and businesses worldwide. According to the 2018 survey by nodejs.org Web Apps remain the most popular use case for Node with 85% usage, 43% use Node for enterprise applications. the survey data also suggest that node.js frameworks are extensively used for backend activities and there is increasing popularity for a full-stack framework. Across the business community, mid-size companies perceive greater access to some learning resources than those in larger and smaller firms for node.js.
From the above, we can say that node.js full-stack frameworks are getting more popular demand and are on the rise amongst other frameworks.

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Manoj Rupareliya Avatar

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One response to “5 Most Popular Full-stack Node.Js Frameworks For Apps Development”

  1. Geoff DiMasi Avatar

    As on of the co-founders of ApostropheCMS, I’d love to throw it in the mix for full stack and full featured Node CMS options. It is different from the ones on this list since it provides an in-context editing experience for content editors and also can be headless. It lets you serve content across many platforms while still providing an interface that content editors love for those types of projects. Check it out if that is what you are looking for.

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