What is mind mapping, and how to create a mind map?

Mindmap Brainstorm Idea Innovation

We exercise to keep ourselves fit. Similarly, mind mapping is a mental exercise that keeps your mind fit and sharp. Mind mapping is regarded as the first step towards an outstanding output.

Some people have this God-gifted talent, but if you are not good at it, there are definitely many mind map apps to guide you about it and the Mindomo mind map app is also the one.

It is one of the healthiest activities for fast learning and connecting knowledge of your own and a new one. Building this connection enhances the productivity of work and its quality.

No matter what task you do, you need to have an aim and a proper plan of your aim to decreases your work effort and increase the quality of your work.

What is actually mind mapping?

Taking a few minutes before starting any work to plan what you actually are going to do is called mind mapping.

Aiming before doing something is a natural habit, but planning your aim is a habit found in some people. Once you adopt this habit, you will definitely see a change in your work output.

It is a process of transfer of knowledge in and out of your brain. The best thing about mind mapping is that you could gather all your ideas in your mind without worrying to assemble it.

You can assemble your ideas while writing them down or implementing them practically.

Moreover, there are many mind map apps to help you out to organize your thoughts into a map and then polishing them before implementing it.

Mind map as a whole is the reflection of your own thoughts. It is the power to design your own imaginary work before doing it in real life.

How to create a Mind Map?

Some people could make a mind map naturally without putting any extra effort but for those who are beginners need some assistance for it.  

This assistance can also be found on mind map apps, but here are some easy steps you need to follow to become a mind mapper.

There are two important things for mind mapping Associations and Imagination.

Mind mapping is all about having space to jumble up your ideas so

  1. First, take a clean white sheet of paper that works as an open space to assemble your ideas.
  2. Secondly, start writing from the center of the page, so you have enough space to spread your ideas.
  3. Use colorful pencils and resources to freshen up your mind and enhance your ability to think and connecting ideas.
  4. Arrange the map is a form of a web to connect one idea to another to increase coherence.

5.    The use of pictures and symbols help you to make your map easy to understand and analyze.

6.    Write the keywords that pop in your mind related to your work so you could assemble them later or turn them into short lines and implement them in your work.

7.    Use curved lines and shapes rather than boring straight lines to make it attractive for your brain.

8.    One image equals to 1000 words of note. Just by viewing the image, your brain narrates it in many beautiful images. It also enhances your analytic and interpretation skills.

9.    Now take a deep look at your mind map and analyze the method to implement it.

To wrap up

Once you learn the proper methodology of making a mind map that will surely be adopted after a few attempts and some practice, you will be able to make the quality of your work boosted.

A mind map is a reflection of your thoughts, and your work is a reflection of your mind map and through this chain, you could indirectly implement your thoughts on your work.

It is the best way to turn complex information into easier thoughts.

This work is way more interesting than it sounds as it’s all about controlling your thoughts and assembling and decorating it according to your own wish.

So, its high time to learn mind mapping through following these simple steps and assistance from mind map apps and upgrade your way of working.

These few minutes of mind mapping and assembling your ideas according to your wish will benefit your whole working process.

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1 Comments Text
  • Anubhab says:

    Mind mapping is a powerful tool to map out work or anything. I know the basics of it and trying to find out more about it.

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