Nowadays, you can convey a message to someone by just sending an emoji. These little icons of faces, emotions, weather, things, profession, etc. have changed the way we connect in the digital era. There is so much context and hidden messaging in some emojis that you can basically profess your love to another person just by sending one truly meaningful emoji!

We’ve all been in a situation where we want to talk to someone we fancy but don’t know where to begin. Well, in this article, we’ve collated the most helpful emojis for you to use when talking to a person you like! Plus, you can use these emojis for people who you are close to you as well – friends, parents, lovers – the possibilities are endless! Here are some emojis to use:
Eye emoji
The eye emoji may not be the most obvious choice when it comes to approaching someone digitally. But it is representative of saying “I see you”, “I’m watching you”, and/or “I like what I’m seeing.” This is particularly effective when starting a conversation with your crush – go to one of their posts, stories, or comments and reply or DM them with the eye emoji and see if they take the bait.
Heart emoji
One of the most obvious of emoji choices, sending a heart emoji to your special someone automatically relates to feelings of being loved, adored, and cherished. You can send this emoji when the person you’re talking to mentions something that’s important to them, or if you liked their stance on something. You can also use this emoji as a conversation starter.
There are lots of choices when it comes to the heart emoji so use your creativity. There’s the red heart, the blue one, pink, yellow, etc.! You can even send one of each color in a row to portray a rainbow! Now, that’s cute, isn’t it?
Kiss emoji
The kiss emoji is also a great way of telling the person you have your eyes on that they are special to you. It’s particularly effective when you’re replying to their selfies posted as stories or posts. It tells them that you appreciate how they look and they have your seal of approval. You can even send a series of this emoji – three in one text, for that matter – to increase efficacy.
Flexed-bicep emoji
Maybe not the most used for flirting but the flexed-bicep emoji can be useful for when you are going for the unusual way of getting your crush’s attention. Biceps are a symbol of strength, power, and virility.
When you send a flexed-bicep emoji to a guy, for example, it means that you appreciate their physique, telling them that they look good, or that they’re doing something that takes a lot of physical and mental strength. That means, you see them, and that they are definitely on your radar.
Heart-eyes emoji
An extension of the heart emoji, the heart-eyes emoji means you’re falling in love. It can be used lightly, just as a form of mild adoration as well. For example, if your crush has uploaded a story of their dish they made themselves or the view of their vacation, even just a photo of their pets, sending them the heart-eyes emoji instantly tells them that you appreciate what they’re posting.
Waving hand emoji
Probably the most innocuous of the flirting emojis, and yet, also the most effective, the waving hand emoji is the perfect conversation starter. It’s like a preamble to what will happen in the conversation, a starting point, a benchmark. One waving hand emoji says hi, two means you have something to tell them, and three or more may mean you’re really into them.
Use the waving hand emoji wisely. There is such a thing as overusing it. You can only send the emoji when there’s a lull in the conversation or they haven’t replied for hours. Of course, it goes without saying that there is power in holding back. The more you appear interesting to your crush, the longer your conversations with them will be.
Communicating with somebody should always be a two-way street. That’s why it’s important to know the cues of verbal and non-verbal dialogue. When texting or chatting with someone you’d like to be a part of your life and relationship, consider the emojis above to deliver your message better. Happy texting!
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