Minecraft Java Edition snapshot


Changes in Version 18W16A

  • New custom world type: Buffet
  • Coral fans now generate naturally
  • Drowned can sometimes be found inside ruins
  • Turtle helmet will no longer give you particle effects
  • Turtle helmet will no longer make you absolutely completely 100% invulnerable
  • Blue ice is now ever-so-slightly less slippery than before. Still pretty slippery!
  • When water spreads and would later turn into a source block, it now immediately just places a source block
  • We changed how we calculate the temperature of ocean biomes, which should result in nicer transitions between oceans
  • Mining coral blocks now requires silk touch
  • Changed particle effect from the Conduit
  • Optimized spawn position finding code
  • Technical: there’s now a distinction between scheduled “liquid ticks” and “block ticks”
  • Technical: there’s new block & item tags for coral
  • Lots of bug fixes!


All you can pick!

  • As a popular request, we readded a way to play with single biome worlds
  • You can check it out when creating a new world by selecting Buffet World as a world type
  • As a side bonus, we also threw in another way to generate chunks in there
  • Keep an eye on this screen, there might be more things on their way!
  • (it’s pretty crazy)

Read more BugFixes on Minecraft.net

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