7 Reasons Why Wi-Fi Networks Fail and Their Solutions

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You no longer have to listen to weird noises to connect your computer with the online world. Although, times have changed greatly; however, it does not mean that the problems related to networks have become a thing of the past. Problems are still in existence, they just have upgraded to the next level, i.e. to your Wi-Fi network.

If you face recurrent networking issues, your internet experience could take a turn for the worst. But you are in luck today since we will be discussing 7 Wi-Fi network problems along with their solutions! So, let us get down to business.

Password and Connection

One of the top reasons why your Wi-Fi network fails is because of an incorrect password or username. So, before trying anything else, first ensure that you are entering everything correctly. The problem with passwords is that it is always displayed with hidden characters, so make sure to tick the ‘Show Password’ option so that you are not missing any crucial bits, i.e. capitalization, and spaces, etc.

If this fails to work, check your Wi-Fi network to see if it has accidentally connected to nearby networks that are sharing the same name as your own network. Additionally, overload networks or malfunctioning equipment can also have the same effect. So, be sure to contact your network provider if that is the case.

Load on Network’s Bandwidth

A bogged down network could also impact the connectivity of your Wi-Fi network. One too many users, frequent guests, and whatnot! Most of the Wi-Fi networks are designed to handle heavy traffic; however, a constantly failing network could mean that your network cannot keep up with the pressure.

Although not mentioned in the accompanying manuals, Wi-Fi networks can only handle a limited number of users depending on the bandwidth. So check your network’s speed and take off certain devices. Additionally, turn off the Wi-Fi on your tablets and TV when not in use. The point is, you need to free up some bandwidth which you can do by disabling certain devices that are consuming too much data.

Change Your Security

If you are continuously experiencing network failure, it could be that unauthorized devices have latched onto your network. Or someone has hacked into your network base. Open networks are susceptible to Wi-Fi leeches, so if you have an open network, immediately set up security barriers. On the other hand, if your network relies on WEP, then you could be in trouble since WEP is easier to hack into!

To protect your Wi-Fi network, you need to explore different security settings such as WPA, TKIP, WPA 2, etc. Out of all these options, WPA 2 combined with AES is the most suitable option since they are better equipped to deal with security threats!

Distance From the Network’s Base

Sometimes, you do not have the option to move closer to the Wi-Fi base stations. Even after knowing the specific location of the base stations, your location, thick walls and electromagnetic signal’s disruption could still impact the network’s range.

To solve your problems, you could look into mesh networks. The mesh network is a preferred choice in instances when the Wi-Fi network has to cover larger ground space. Unlike signal extenders, a mesh network extends the range of the Wi-Fi network through various access points.

If you are concerned about your signals getting interrupted by bouncing through the access points, then do not worry as the mesh network is designed to act as a giant Wi-Fi signal base.

Connection with the Wrong Wi-Fi

Some places host-guest networks and chances are you may have connected your devices to one of such networks. Generally, it does not pose a problem; however, modern networks are designed to remember all the past Wi-Fi connections. So, if your home Wi-Fi does not connect properly, it will automatically try to connect with one from its database. This problem is further made worse by the syncing capabilities of associated networks. For instance, if you connect your laptop to a guest network, the sync feature will cause all your devices to connect, like phones or tablets, to the said network without any issue.

The best solution is to check whether you have the right networking connection. Also, make it a habit of deleting any previous flaky network to stop your devices from connecting automatically, even if the network is not currently available.

Outdated Firmware

To facilitate connection, networking devices contain a small technology that is called the firmware. Over time, various viruses or other problems can render such software programs useless. If this happens, you will frequently face networking issues and connectivity problems.

The best way to deal with outdated firmware is by upgrading it to the latest provided version. Upgrading the outdated parts can be a little tricky, so here is an article to help you with that!

Dead Wi-Fi Adapter

If all of the above tips fail to work, check your Wi-Fi adapter. The Wi-Fi adapters also come with a shelf-life and they may die without any reason. If you suspect that your adapter is not working, there is nothing much you can do except call the networking support department and have them replace the broken parts.

But before you take this step, you need to pinpoint the problem and ensure that it is your adapter that is malfunctioning and not something else. For this purpose, you should check your network’s adapter before picking up the phone.


With this, we conclude the article. Hopefully, your basic networking issues will be much clear by the end of this read. But before implementing these solutions to your basic issues, keep in mind that these tips may or may not work in your favor. In case if these tips fail to provide any solution, you could get in touch with your network provider and go over the available options. Or, you can try upgrading your outdated Wi-Fi accessories to see some improvement.

That said, if the wireless Wi-Fi fails to meet your bandwidth demands, you can either upgrade or explore other connectivity options, i.e. connection through Ethernet cables. When choosing the latter option, always ensure that you use corresponding connectors with the cables. For instance, if you are using Cat6 cables, make sure to pair it with Cat6 connectors for optimal results!

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