
  • Which type of technology is best for the school

    Which type of technology is best for the school


    The role of contemporary technologies in the digital realm has become more and more important in the fast-paced digital era. With schools that face the complicated demands of modern education for survival, it’s important to highlight the particular technologies that can lift the educational level. One such technology that has a gained is web-based schools.…

  • Is ChatGPT the Calculator for this Generation of Students?

    Is ChatGPT the Calculator for this Generation of Students?

    ChatGPT, the viral conversational AI system developed by Anthropic, has ignited debates on its potential uses and impacts across education. Its ability to generate remarkably human-like text on demand raises many questions. Among them – can ChatGPT act as a novel calculation tool and virtual tutor for modern students the way dedicated math calculators assisted…

  • Resources That Can Make Managing a Tech Company Easier and More Efficient

    Resources That Can Make Managing a Tech Company Easier and More Efficient


    Learn how investing in employee education, outsourcing services, and utilizing project management tools can enhance your tech company's efficiency.

  • How does educational technology impact student’s life?

    How does educational technology impact student’s life?


    Innovations and new technology are transforming the planet and our everyday lives. Many things that were only futuristic concepts yesterday are today’s realities. Meanwhile, technology permeates every aspect of our daily lives. We use technology to communicate information, clean our clothes, cook our food, and travel from one location to another. However, even commonplace technology…

  • Cybersecurity-as-a-Service with New AI-Powered Solution Introduced

    Cybersecurity-as-a-Service with New AI-Powered Solution Introduced


    This article is intended for the readers to provide knowledge on the new AI-Powered Cybersecurity-as-a-Service. We will also adhere to concepts like what CSaaS is, its benefits, and incorporating AI into cybersecurity. Learn the essential skills required to master cybersecurity by accrediting the certification with this online Cybersecurity Training course. Networks of Vector Security® declared…

  • Transformation of Education with the Advent of Mixed-Reality

    Transformation of Education with the Advent of Mixed-Reality


    Technology is one of the most versatile and ever-developing tools known to man. The advent of technology has brought about revolutions and wars in the history of the world. The development of technology in the history of mankind has been amazing. There were so many iterations conducted just to perfect one small operation that can…

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