Emily White

  • What is the Future of Progressive Web Apps in Web Development?

    What is the Future of Progressive Web Apps in Web Development?


    Websites are an ideal way for a business to create a strong presence among users, but the speed at which they load is questionable. Today, users like to surf on a quick, efficient, and secure web solution through their mobile phones. This rapid adoption has prompted businesses to create mobile-centric web solutions. This is where…

  • Drupal, WordPress, Or Joomla – Which One Is A Better CMS?

    Drupal, WordPress, Or Joomla – Which One Is A Better CMS?


    Today building a website is no more a thing of experts, anyone with a little knowledge of computers and the internet can build interactive websites. This is possible with the help of content management systems (CMSs) which have revolutionized web publishing. Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla are among the topmost CMSs at present which power millions…

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